Never too late.

I hear that a lot of times about a lot of things. “Never too late.”

Starting a farm after you turn 40 is about as close to “too late” as you get, but in general, the statement is correct. It’s never too late to start something, so long as you understand the undertaking.

To be fair, we’ve owned our 38 acres since 2017, so we’re not technically beginning our journey after 40. But the majority of the work has taken place after I passed four decades. I’m certainly more tired than I would have been had I taken on this enterprise when I was in my 20s or 30s.

However, there is a faith to be had in a sovereign God. We didn’t have land in our 20s and 30s. We weren’t married or even knew each other yet. A sovereign God has had His hand on our backs, pressing us along into this life. It happened when it happened for a reason: His reason.

So, yeah, never too late. It’s all in His timing.

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