Knowing God. Ch. 3

The men’s group at our church is going through J.I. Packer’s Knowing God. I haven’t read anything by Packer, but I’m aware that he edited the ESV Study Bible (which I have) and he was close with John Piper, whom I like.

I read through chapter 3 tonight. It begins with a potent theme: the purpose of your life is to know God.

When I got knocked off my horse and stared into the light, the only thing I wanted to know was Christ. All of a sudden, I knew that all of the Truth I could handle was bound up in him. This, at last, was what I had been seeking.

Once your life rearranges itself around God, nothing else matters or worries you. There are things that pop up, but in the grand scheme of things, you’re at peace. You know that He is in control, and your worry hasn’t added or removed anything from your life (well, it removed peace).

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